Erin is such a creative photographer. She includes the cutest props in her sessions. She had this great nautical idea for her family photos and I have to give her all the credit for the props you see in this session. All hers! I can't wait to share with you our family session that Erin did for us.
So, we headed to Long Beach and had a super fun evening with the boys. xoxo
Erin, you've got one perfect little family!
Handsome boys!
Mommy and Gavin
Love Gav's 2 little teeth.
Erin even made these awesome origami boats!
Brandon & Brody loved the water.
We had a little donut picnic at the end. The boys are addicted to donuts right now. It was so cute to see how they ate them!
Gavin even joined in on the milk and donuts! I think this was his first time enjoying this tasty treat. 
This bird would not leave us alone!
Gavin loved the sand!
Thank you, Erin, Shawn & the boys!!! I hope you love these as much as I do. xoxo
Vinnie-I don't even have words! Thank you so much for capturing these beautiful images of our little family! I can not wait to print them all out and make wallpaper from them and plaster them all over our house! lol No but seriously, thats how much I love them! Thank you, thank you friend! love you!
Vinnie, these are so awesome!!! What an adorable family they are!
So beautiful!! Vinnie-GREAT job and Erin-you guys all look so happy and fun! Perfect photo shoot.:)
An amazing photo shoot! Such a beautiful family! Vinnie-love all the shots!
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